Friday 17 June 2011

Dreaming with Jesus

refer to John Chapter 2.

Did Jesus pick healing the sick, or driving out demons, or proclaiming the good news, or forgiving sin as His first miracle? What miracle did He first perform. Now we know that He performed this one first, because in verse 11 it says:

"This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him."

now technically He had been operating in the supernatural before this, He said to Nathanael "I saw you under the fig tree"

But God can say what He wants, this is the first miracle.

I wonder if in the wilderness of Judah, before Jesus appeared, John was one day musing with the pre-existant Word and somewhere along the conversation it turned to this. "Now what miracle would you perform first?" John would say something like "now you know me, I am not allowed to make drink and drink it until the wedding feast because I've made this commitment that I would not drink any fermented drink all the days of my life" - holding out for the day when He can drink. And Jesus replying "Yeah, that would be a good miracle, turning water into wine" and John would be startled. "Turning water into wine? really? Yeah that would be excellent, imagine the look on the guests faces - when Mary your mother turns to you and says 'they do not have anymore wine' and you return and say to her 'Woman, what has this to do with me, my hour has not yet come!' yeah you have a real good relationship with your Mother. I'm kinda envious, my mother died when I was young. Oh yeah, but your Dad, he's gonna die when you're young too - we are in the same boat!"

I'm just gonna take a moment for a breather here. I remembered this morning the passage in Chronicles of Narnia - silver Chair - when puddleglum appears with startled face as He reads the open cook book in the Giants House saying - "Marsh-wiggle are very tough meat, and you need to set them in a crock pot for a long time until they are tender, they also have a very noxious scent, this is why you have to add lots of spices to the mixture" - a startled face reading about how they cook marsh-wiggles. Have you ever thought about how you taste? That sounds very cannibalistic. This man must have had a wild imagination. And then them looking out over the ruins, the ruins that spell out a word - "Down here" or something. A Lion roars, because they were not supposed to come here. But then the mercy of God shows up, and a giant takes pity on them, and allows them to escape. And they escape but only after they find out, and they are running quickly, and they find the "entrance to the underworld" where there is no light there.

Jesus we know, was born after John. "Yeah, that would be cool. I like how you filled in the gaps there! Say, I don't know what your name is, but I like your suggestion" - the conversation as we know came real, and the first miracle that he performed was the word that He performed. He spoke to the water, it became wine, showing mastery over everything natural. He spoke to the water, turned into wine, and probably laughed to Himself, "of all the things that I could have done, this is the first. I wonder if they will understand it!" with infinite joy and gladness in His face. The most remarkable man ever met. What is that like? I think it's like someone asking you "what is the best possible thing that I could do for you? what would really be full of splendour? What would you like to see happen?" I want to be the best possible imagination that you can think of. I want to be the one you dream of. I reckon that He saw inside my heart and said "I like that dream, I will make it happen" and just the look on my face, when He does do it! I feel He would reply and say "What is the next one?" Not being pessimistic, but like saying "I can do so much more than that, you just come to me"

Join in on the very thing that formed the world, and will not pass away long after it. This dreaming is a result of having hope, So when it says in Joel 2:28 "I will pour out my spirit... dream dreams" I have not to stretch my imagination far to suggest that the people of God will be a people of hope with brightness and gladness on their faces. If they are our children then why not be like them? Why not be like Jesus? And when He whispers to us, Believe Him! This makes me want to spend more time with Him. Because if He is the source, I will not lack for a single thing. Worship has got to be the best recreation in the world - telling Him I love Him.

The pre-eminent thing on His heart at this time was the realization of His arrival, His coming to Israel, to meet with His bride. There's no way He could not be joyful about that! He is coming to meet with His bride! Like a bridegroom going out of his chamber in strength. I'm aware that this would refer to His second coming, however, This is God, and He has perfect knowledge. The joy that is set before Him, it is continually before Him, never departing. And also, If my God is lacking, then how can I expect myself to be satisfied? God is also continually before Him (Psalm 16:8) - guiding Him where to go - by His presence (Psalm 16:9-11) Joy by definition is not fading, it is with you always, because it is not based on stimuli, but is on the inside.

Do you love me? Do you dream of me? Did you think of me before time was?
Am I secure, when I am unsure? Am I made of better stuff than I see?
You spoke and said "I dare you to" spend your life before my face.
Be a gentle heart, resting in my embrace. Being silent, wanting for nothing,
asking for everything in quiet trust.
Be my everything, Be my God, be my source, be my guide.
Come take over, every part of me,
let the flame burn brighter, and the light never go out, let it shine.

The world is filled with joy and gladness,
the earth is filled with your glory.
Jesus, won't you come again, you say you're coming again, I want you to come again!

To know your name, and to know your name is greatness, is glorious
and though I'm terrified at the things you will do on this earth,
I put my confidence in you nonetheless. I turn my back on every other thing,
and give my heart some time to believe again. Prepare me for the wedding feast.

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